We went back to the extra hours at night because tomorrow is the day we need to present Handlebar Jim's progress and show that he can complete the Wumpus Problem. Again we did not have the WiFi adapter so we spent most of our time working separately.
Zach was able to get Handlebar Jim to run through the entire course using hard code but without the WiFi adapter was unable to give him any specific inputs. This was about as far as we could get without the adapter, so Mike Naclerio and Zach just worked on seeing how much they could do with Handlebar Jim using the hard code. They were able to get Handlebar Jim to reverse his steps and move backwards through where he had already traveled.
Mike Gulia was back to working on the website and started the next section. He completed the section called "Relation to Class", where he explained how the project we were working on related to our Minds and Machines class. The specifics behind the philosophy of our programming and the "mind" of our robot.