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Is this robot intelligent? Conscious? Does it have a mind?

        Although Handlebar Jim is able to complete a fairly difficult task, he is not intelligent (at least in the same way that humans and some other animals are intelligent) because everything he is capable of doing, he has been specifically told how and when to do it. The closest Handlebar Jim gets to being truly intelligent is his ability to realize the situation he is in and what the safest move to make is based on various inputs and on squares he has already been to. For example if Handlebar Jim moves to a square he knows  is safe, and he receives a breeze once he gets there, he knows (because he is programmed to) to go back to the previous square and then go right.

        Handlebar Jim is not conscious because he does not have the ability to complete a task or perform an action that he has not been programmed to do. Therefore, Handlebar Jim is neither conscious nor does he have a mind. He lacks the ability to learn or do anything that he has not been specifically programmed for.  

        This project completely changed my views on the feasibility and potential of AI. As a group we had very little experience working with robotics and projects like this, yet we were able to design, build, and program a robot to complete this pretty difficult task. This made me realize that if we can do this with very little experience and an inexpensive robot, then the possibilities of AI (with the technology and experience available throughout the world) are endless. 

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