Notorious Biker, Gang Leader, or World Renowned Wumpus Warrior???
Handlebar Jim is an efficiently built warrior that is meant to take down any wumpus monster and steal the gold. Handlebar Jim is built with a two-motor drivetrain that distributes power to each wheel separately. This drivetrain allows Handlebar Jim to turn and rotate on his front Rotation Ball. Handlebar Jim is also built with two front end light sensors which allows him to differentiate between each square. All of Handlebar Jim's code is typed in python by Zach and is stored in his EV3 harddrive. Handlebar Jim also has a USB port in which he receives signals from Professor Bram's router as to what things are near him. To take down the Wumpus, Jim has a secretly equipped arrow which will shoot the Wumpus and steal his gold.
Unfortunately, the Lego Robot Roundup had to be called off this year due to too many technical difficulties that were out of all the groups control. However, Handlebar Jim was capable of any movement across the board and he was very close to being able to consistently solve the Wumpus Problem. We were able to leave Handlebar Jim moving around the board for over an hour before he got messed up or fell off the board. Of course the game would never last that long so we were very proud and excited about this. Had there been less technical difficulties throughout the project, I think Handlebar Jim would have done extremely well in beating the Wumpus World Problem.