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What is the Wumpus World Problem?

The Wumpus World is a 4x4 grid of squares. Within each world there is a Wumpus, any number of pits, and the sacred pile of gold. One arrow can be carried and shot only once in an attempt to kill the Wumpus.  The robot starts in the bottom left corner of the board. The goal of each game is to collect the pile of gold and return to the start with it. 

When the robot is in a square with a pit adjacent to it, it will feel a breeze. When the robot is in a square with the Wumpus adjacent to it, there will be a horrible smell. Finally, when the robot is in a square with the pile of gold adjacent to it, it will see a glitter. If the robot is in a square with multiple different things next to it (i.e. a pit and the pile of gold) it will receive multiple clues (a breeze and a glitter). However, if the robot is next to multiple pits, it will not receive multiple breezes. 

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